Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Spring flowers

723 species of plants and trees are recorded in the flora of Kythira. The most famous indigenous Kythirian flower of course is the Sempreviva with its beautiful bright yellow colour (Helichrysum orientale (L.) Gaertner).

Yesterday, I spoke with two of our walking guests from Switzerland. They are big fans of orchids and they were delighted to find several orchid species still in flower. Some orchids were even growing next to the asphalt road…

Also, during the last two months, other hikers and walkers have referred enthusiastically to the huge variety in wild flowers along the walking paths. I always recommend them to have a look at one of Kythira’s best websites about flora: Flora cytherea – a blog by Stavroula Fatsea.

The picture (ophrys candica ssp. cytherea) for this blog has been taken by Barbara and Otmar Zoller.

1 comment

  1. O prachtig! Zelf heb ik ook een soort gelijke foto gemaakt toen ik in april samen met vriendin Maria wandelde over Kythira. En nog steeds veel heimwee naar de prachtige routes, de vele bloemen, de mooie natuur, de aardige mensen en, last but not least, naar Frank en zijn gezellige briefjes, zijn vrolijke lach en uitstekend georganieerde reis.
    Kalinichta iedereen!

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