Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Oktober – Tsipouro Monat

Unfortunately, this blog text is not available in German.

In October, the Greeks distil their tsipouro. Tsipouro is a strong drink with an alcohol percentage usually between 36 and 45 %. On Kythira it is distilled from grapes after they have been pressed for wine. Elsewhere, they make tsipouro from figs, pears and other fruit.
Tsipouro is also called tsikoudia or raki – especially on Crete. For the Greeks, drinking tsipouro is part of their traditional way of life, enjoyed together with good company and tasty snacks.
The entire distilling process takes about 3 hours. The distillate is checked continuously for taste and alcohol percentage. That’s why it is worthwhile visiting a fully operating tsipouro distillery this month. Join one of our three guided walks through Potamos this week. At the end of the tour, you will visit the Souris Distillery, a small family business. Stathis Souris will show you their traditional distilling process and you will taste his freshest and purest tsipouro.

1 comment

  1. Ja dat zal best dat meneer Frank zelf de Excursie doet……hijzelf is een groot kenner en liefhebber van deze goddelijke nectar, die eigenlijk het beste smaakt…..op het eiland zelf.

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