Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Orchid Kythira

Early orchids

Although the wild orchids’ season hasn’t yet started on Kythira, you might have already noticed beautiful early blooming species. Like the Himantoglossum Robertiana, the ‘giant orchid’, and the Ophrys mesaritica (photo). Many other species will follow. Every time you take a walk in February, March and April, you will be completely surprised by which orchids you might see.

On Kythira there are more than 60 different species of wild orchids. The orchid season lasts roughly from mid-February to mid-April. In order to find orchids, by the way, you often have to get off the beaten track. It is a completely different way of walking. Instead of covering a good distance, you are looking underneath bushes, walking carefully step by step, trying not to stand on the flowers. It is great fun though and every time you find another beautiful orchid, you are as happy as a king!!

We were so excited to organize our Kythira Orchids Holiday for the first time in 2020, welcoming orchid lovers from all over the world but we had to cancel it due to Covid19. Also for 2021 we decided to keep it out of our programme. We are now looking ahead and hope to be organizing the Kythira Orchids Holiday again in the first week of April 2022. The wild orchids on Kythira are too beautiful to miss!

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