Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

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Karavas Pyrgos House

Restoration of dams in Karavas’ valley

Around Karavas, a village in North Kythira, there are seven fresh water springs. They are located along a peacefully rippling brook in the green and fertile valley between Progki and Plateia Ammos. The nearby hill slopes were ideal for growing grain, olives, fruits and vegetables.

After many villagers left Karavas and surrounding hamlets in the 50’s and 60’s, nature took over most of the valley. The brook wasn’t maintained anymore, century old paths became inaccessible and several springs were lost, hidden behind meters of vegetation.

This year, the nationally operating organisation Medina (Institute for Nature and People), in cooperation with KIPA (Kythirian Foundation for Culture and Development), started restoring Karavas’ valley. In September and October, footpaths along the brook were made accessible again. At several points, they built dams in order to use precious water for the veggie gardens. Ruins of watermills became visible again…

It is amazing to see how a nearly lost traditional landscape is getting back its original glory. Explore this area by walking the marked trail M49A, starting in Karavas (Kythera Trails; 2,7 km) or the longer route 3 (the Springs of Karavas) from our walking book ‘Kythira on foot’. You will love it!!

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