Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

To talanto

The visit to Osios Theodoros Monastery is one of the highlights during the weekly guided walk around Aroniadika. Opposite the church, in the fir tree, hangs a large wooden beam with a wooden hammer, in Greek ‘to talanto’. This week, Papas Petros told us about its history and function. However, before starting, he ran into the church to put on a specific garment (a simple black and richly pleated robe) which the monks wear to strike the talanto. Then Papas Petros hit the beam with the hammer, in a tight rhythm. They still do this in monasteries, during the night and a few times during the day, exactly one hour before the service starts. During this hour, the monks pray in their own cells before going to church. If you want to find out where the Greek word talanto derives from, and why it relates to the English word talent, please feel free to join the guided walk.

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