Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

Panagia Myrtidiotissa’s Name Day

Panagia Myrtidiotissa’s Name Day is Kythira’s most important religious festival, celebrated annually on September 24th. The Icon of Panagia (protectress of the Kythirians) is in the monastery church of Myrtidia (myrtles), located in the south-western part of the island.  The monastery derives its name from the fact that in the fourteenth[…]

Agia Sofia’s Name day

On September 17th we celebrate Agia Sofia’s Name day. On Kythira, three different caves (Mylopotamos, Agia Pelagia, Kalamos) have the name of Agia Sofia. At the entrance of each cave is a small church, dedicated to the saint. Sofia devoted her life to the Christian religion. She had three daughters[…]

Guided walk Paleokastro

In addition to our standard guided walks, we also offer excursions to areas that are less accessible, like the one up to Paleokastro Hill. Paleokastro (Old Castle) was Kythira’s ancient capital (a fortified city built in the 6th century BC) and is located on a hill between Paleopoli/Scandeia and Mitata.[…]

From summer to autumn

Summer on Kythira is certainly not coming to an end. It is still sunny, warm and the sea is a pleasant temperature. However, we are already preparing the various autumn hiking programmes that we organize from September to late November.  This Sunday, our first participants for ‘Round North’ – an[…]

August 15th

On August 15th is the celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, one of the most important religious holidays of the Greek Orthodox Church. On Kythira there is a special service at Myrtidiotissa Monastery, starting at 8 am, followed by a procession in which the beautiful Myrtidiotissa icon will[…]

Mesa Vourgo churches opening

One of the biggest celebrations of the Greek Orthodox Church is on August 15th, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. This year on Friday August 12th, from 7 pm to 10 pm, the wonderful Byzantine churches in Mesa Vourgo (the medieval district of Chora) will be open[…]

Nikolaos Filosofof – an interesting history

This weekend is the start of an exhibition dedicated to the interesting life of Nikolaos Filosofof (1867 – 1946) who was born in Saint Petersburg and died on Kythira. His career went from admiral in the Russian Navy to lighthouse keeper on Anti-Kythera. After he retired from Anti-Kythera, he worked[…]

Summer festivals 2016

The first banners advertising the summer festivals, the panigiria, have been spotted again, signalling the start of the Kythirian summer. Kato Livadi is this year’s kick-off: Sunday, July 24th, from 9pm onwards with live music, dance, food and drinks. Don’t miss it because it’s great fun to dance the Karavitikos,[…]

Archaeological sites, monuments and museums in Kythira

As a Kythira visitor you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the island’s past. Museums, exhibitions and monuments are waiting for your visit. The following schedule of opening times will help you to plan your daily programme. May 1st – September 30th opening times. Castle in[…]

On the bus

Starting today, you can use public transport to move around the island. Despite the limited route, the bus is an ideal way to travel from north to south. Catch the bus and you will meet other people, enjoy the scenery and hear Greek music from the radio. You can catch[…]