Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Pomelo – a very large fruit

This week, after lunch at Taverna Lemonokipo – the Lemon Grove – in Karavas, we were given a delicious dessert: fruit cooked in syrup (the well known gliko tou koutaliou –spoon sweet). I didn’t recognize though, what kind of fruit it was. It surely was a citrus fruit and it tasted a bit like grapefruit. The combination of bitter (the fruit) and sweet (the syrup) was fantastic. When I asked the owner, Georgia, for the name, she went outside and came back with an enormous yellow fruit which she put on our table. They are called ‘pomelo’, a citrus fruit (Citrus Maxima (Burm) Merrill) much bigger than a grapefruit and with a more bitter flavour. The fruit grows in Georgia’s garden. You cannot eat it (it is too bitter), but you make marmalade with its skin or pickle it in syrup. Georgia gave us two pomelos to take back home. This weekend we will make some marmalade with them. Delicious!

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