Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Minoan Graves

On Wednesday I went for another walk with Alekos Kastrissios, this time around Paleopoli and Kokkinochorafa. Although we had to find shelter from some very heavy rain, we saw some stunning sights. Alekos is unbeatable: seemingly totally overgrown paths can’t stop him and steep cliffs are peanuts. It’s incredible what energy this man has. I was even more impressed by his knowledge of archaeology. He told me about Kastri, the Minoan colony near Paleopoli. Here, I have often visited the uphill located Minoan graves which are part of the Walking Holiday Round North, as is Aphrodite’s Throne. However, Alekos wanted to show me even more beautiful graves… Doing so, we entered a very ordinary olive grove. Hidden by thick bushes, we saw impressive openings of some grave chambers which are connected in a sort of labyrinth. I had to crawl inside on my stomach, with a torch turned on and swallowing dust… I was rendered completely speechless by all this beauty. It really was fantastic.

After I had taken Alekos back home, I went to the vantage point near the Agios Giorgos Churches. Here, I enjoyed recalling all the day’s impressions, while cold and heavy raindrops covered my face.

1 comment

  1. Kokkinochorafa, een mooie verlaten plek die niemand volgens mij weet te liggen, maar goed daar zal volgend seizoen wel verandering in komen!
    Een piepklein eilandje dat zo steeds meer van zijn geheimen blootgeeft en ik denk dat je nog niet alles weet.
    Ook de plek hoog boven Avlenomas spreekt zeker tot de verbeelding zeker als je daar alleen bent met slechts het geluid van de wind om je oren, ook de verlaten toren die zich boven op de top bevindt zal wel een eigen verhaal hebben die we graag nog te weten willen komen.
    Ik ben bang dat we volgend jaar maar weer die kant op moeten komen voor de nodige ondersteuning.

    Tot dan

    Groetjes Jeanette

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