Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

From the Blog

Allcomers Music String Orchestra

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We received this press release from the Allcomers Music String Orchestra that is visiting Kythira this week:

This is an invitation to a concert this Wednesday in Potamos given by the tutors of our annual Allcomers Music String Orchestra course.

This is also to invite you to our end-of-course concert in Syndesmos in Chora at 8pm on Saturday 1st June. Our orchestra will be playing music ranging from Ades and Bach to Grieg and Warlock as well as joining forces with the Potamos Philharmoniki to premiere by Panayiotis Leftheris. The concert will also feature the beginning of a new venture, the Kythera Community String Orchestra. Free entrance with donations invited to support the refurbishment and maintenance of Syndesmos.

Finally, at 9pm on Friday, we will be opening an exhibition of artwork created by some of the members of the Allcomers orchestra, at Follow Your Art Gallery in Kapsali. Followed by music in Banda Landra

We very much hope you will be able come to one or more of these events.

Do please feel free to pass on this information to anyone you think may like to come

With very best wishes

Chris Shurety
Director Allcomers Music

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